Saturday, January 12, 2008

Meme About Quirks? I don't have Quirks!

Okay, both Mike and Che tagged me with this, so I'm doubly popular, or some people think I might be a little weird. No excuse with Che, though. She knows very well I past weird quite a ways back.

Here's the game:
- Link to the person that tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
- Tag six people and at the end of your post, link to their blogs.
- Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. Hmm, well, I've been known to kick the bottoms of the shoes of people walking in front of me... on purpose, I mean. I've asked Murray and our oldest son Jesse to tell me what quirks I have and Jesse says "She thinks she's funny." Murray says that I like to trip people when they walk by and I give wet willies.

2. I've been campaigning for years to have mornings gotten rid of and have my brother, who is a chemist, develop a pill that will fix all the morning people. I really hate mornings!

3. I have a slight tendency towards sarcasm. Although many people hold the view that sarcasm is bad, sarcastic wit was a survival skill in my family, and survival is good, right?

4. I have a "Mind-Warp Program" that I enroll all of my friends in. They don't usually know they are in the process of being warped, but, case in point, I'm the one who introduced Che to Buffy and Angel. It was years before she was warped enough that I told her about being warped, but I'm a patient person.

5. I have, again slight, tendency towards OCDishness about grammar and spelling. I don't have a problem making up new words, as long as they are used correctly.

6. I don't like to cook. Mostly, its the every dayness of it. Don't get me wrong. I'm a very good cook. Its not that I don't have the ability to cook, I just don't like it.

I tag:


Juanita Auton Wenham said...

OCD....about grammar...I am that way about spelling. I need to add that cause I only got 5 brain is mush.

I think blogging is saving my life right now....thanks for being on the fringes of my insanity....just knowing someone is watching/listening...and not shoveling me truck loads of "you shoulds" is very freeing.

Mike said...

You can add me to that campaign. I hate mornings. What's worse is that the new baby is such a morning person. Sheesh!!

Anonymous said...

This mega warped person (thanks to you) checking in...
I think your quirkniness trumps mine.....